Create from your true nature
Say goodbye to playing it safe, small, and disconnected. It’s time to live authentically and create the results you’ve dreamed about.
It’s not just about mindset anymore.
Head + Heart + Body = FULLY EMBODIED
Coaching clients creating from their true nature at:
It takes twice as much energy to be the man
that you're not than who you truly are.
- Jeff Zacharski
Magic happens when men create the freedom they need to be their true nature.
Ready to reconnect with your true nature?
Ready to let go of chronic self-neglect, burnout and lack of self-belief? And step into a way of living that feels true, purposeful, empowered, and authentic? A way of living that’s full of connection, pleasure, embodied presence, and results?
This is what happens when you unlock your true nature.
Only 21% of men report being supported by another man in the last week.
I'm on a mission to change that
I work with men who are ready to experience life without the stress, disconnection, and weight they’ve carried for most of their lives. Men who are ready to propel true and lasting embodied transformation, men who have life altering goals and bold visions they’re ready to execute on.
Which is why you’ve found yourself here, isn’t it?

Hi, I'm Jeff
I’ve found ‘success’ many times, but something was always missing
I’ve experienced a lot of success in my life. As a startup founder, non-profit founder, music producer, and songwriter, and leader of technical teams across the country. Strangely, I always used to find myself with the same feeling. With each new challenge, I’d wind up feeling more lost. I realize looking back that each new challenge was simply another new way of hiding from myself, of avoiding things that were calling to be looked at.
I compensated by trying to fix everything or prove my worth by giving up more of myself. By trying harder to please. Doing more. Escaping myself.
No matter what I did, it resulted in patterns of chronic self-neglect, overworking, and over-achieving. This almost always led to burnout.
I was actually disconnected from my true nature.
I’m still a fixer and creative solution provider and I am also grounded, present, confident, sensual, and a deeply loving leader of men.
It was only when I went through my own coaching experience that I was able to identify these unhelpful patterns, unlock who I was, and make lasting changes that impacted every single area of my life.

Hi, I'm Jeff
I’ve found ‘success’ many times, but something was always missing
I’ve experienced a lot of success in my life. As a startup founder, non-profit founder, music producer, and songwriter, and leader of technical teams across the country. Strangely, I always used to find myself with the same feeling. With each new challenge, I’d wind up feeling more lost. I realize looking back that each new challenge was simply another new way of hiding from myself, of avoiding things that were calling to be looked at.
I compensated by trying to fix everything or prove my worth by giving up more of myself. By trying harder to please. Doing more. Escaping myself.
No matter what I did, it resulted in patterns of chronic self-neglect, overworking, and over-achieving. This almost always led to burnout.
I was actually disconnected from my true nature.
I’m still a fixer and creative solution provider and I am also grounded, present, confident, sensual, and a deeply loving leader of men.
It was only when I went through my own coaching experience that I was able to identify these unhelpful patterns, unlock who I was, and make lasting changes that impacted every single area of my life.

Here’s how I can support you:
1:1 Coaching
Men's Retreats
Leadership Workshops
Leadership as we know it is ineffective, outdated, and comprised of hierarchy and ego. The world is asking for leaders who can partner, fail forward, act with courage and transparency. It takes vulnerability, and leaders must be willing to go there first. They must do their own work, heal, commit to radical self-compassion and personal growth, and, in doing so, give everyone around them permission to do the same. This is how we truly shift cultures, inspire environments of innovation, and drive real, sustainable change.
Every man has two lives, and the second starts
when he realizes he has just one
- Confucius
What my clients say:
What men from our Sea-Level Retreats are saying:
How it works
When you’ve spent most of your life neglecting your true nature, step one is to unlearn and unwire everything that hasn’t served you and unlock the person you really are underneath it all.
Take courageous action
You have big goals and a fierce ambition. But you fall back into playing safe and staying small because it’s easy. That’s why having support to take the brave steps towards the life you want is the most important thing you will ever do.
Transform & Embody
The kind of life you want to create won’t happen inside your head. It happens when you know you can trust yourself and the tools you have to actually live in a new way. Once you make that realization, everything changes. This is a shift that can only be felt.
If you are ready to experience:
… and if my work resonates with you
Get in touch and let’s see what would be the best fit for us to work together
Not quite ready for a conversation?
Here's some other things you can do:
Listen to the podcast
Listen to the podcast
Download FREE program
“Get Unstuck in 30 days or less”
Take the first step to your unlocked life. In 30 days, I will guide you through this text program so that you can safely experience what it’s like to reach that first breakthrough, solve the immediate challenges in your life and start your journey to knowing yourself like never before.
So, now you have a choice.
Stay the same
No more baby steps
Stay the same
You can live at the expected rate of change and let your life happen to you much by accident, like the way a river naturally flows – continuing to take baby steps but never really experiencing true embodied transformation. There is nothing wrong with this option, but it’s likely the harder option in the long run.
I won’t let you go empty-handed – click the button above for a link to my best resources
No more baby steps
Or, you can be proactive, take bold steps. You can move the rocks in the river to manipulate the water in the way you really want it to go – meaning change happens more quickly, more intentionally and more dramatically. This involves choosing the least familiar option initially but is the most rewarding in the long term.